Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Copy Cat

It is just so funny to see how Sarah has to do Everything that Grace is doing! She just copies everything, she wants to be just like Grace. I, being the youngest of six, can relate. Growing up I always wanted to be doing everything my older sisters were. Even though they are 10 and 12 years older than I am! So anyway to explain the picture. Sarah had on a different shirt (one of hers) but when we were getting Grace dressed she started screaming to put on this shirt. It is hard to tell in the picture just how big the shirt is on her but it just cracked me up that she is already wanting to borrow Grace's clothes!


chelsea said...

and so it begins... oh katie would get so mad at me when i borrowed her clothes, maybe it was because i never asked...

The Powells said...

Amen to that!! Kylie wants to do everything Jake does, play with his toys, take his drink, but she hasn't wanted to wear his clothes...yet!! That is so cute. Look at that cute face

The Fab Fabian Life said...

I totally wanted to copy my sisters too-- I wonder if we all started that early!