Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another top five

Well it's been awhile since I have done a top five. This blog entry will include two top fives. I have been thinking lately about things I love about being a mother, and things that I have to admit I do miss from the days of pre-motherhood! Here are the lists.

Top 5 things I love about being a mom
  1. Seeing the world throught the eyes of a child.
  2. Loving someone more than I ever thought imaginable.
  3. Watching my children sleep.
  4. Hearing the giggle that comes from the belly.
  5. How fun kids are to squeeze.

Top 5 things I miss from the pre-motherhood days

  1. Showering with out children coming in.
  2. Going to the bathroom with out children coming in.
  3. Running errands with out children.
  4. Being able to stay out late.
  5. Being able to sleep in.

So at the end of this I want to say I truly do love being a mom, but I think we all have those moments were we can't believe how we took those things for granted. Do you have anything to add to the list?


The Powells said...

Well first of all this list made me cry!! I agree 100% on every single one!! But I just wouldn't change it for the world. Jason and I often talk about how we cant remember our lives without our children. I love seeing their faces when they discover something for the first time. They are so excited whether it be Disneyland for the first time or something simple like a cloud in the sky...I just really at the end of the long,long day love being a mom!! Love your new through me off a bit! Thought I was on the wrong blog -- thanks for last night it was fun!!

Lexie said...

The one about showering made me laugh because lately I've thought about that a lot. I love weekends when Jeff is home so I can shower in peace! I love your lists!

chelsea said...

amen to being able to sleep in. i definitely miss that. and what do you mean staying out late? we stayed out late all the time... ok i guess it was more staying up late. i sure do miss it though. i love the new look of the blog too. how did you do it? mine was way too hard to ever change!