What is his name? James Gordon Pruden, better known as Jamie.
How long have you been married? On May 11 it will be 6 years.
How long did you date? 10 1/2 months.
How old is he? 28
Who eats more? He does, although with the pregnancy we get closer and closer!
Who said I love you first? He did.
Who is smarter? Definitely Jamie, he can remember everything he learns. I learn something and unless I use the knowledge frequently I forget it very quickly!
Whose temper is worse? His.
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who does the dishes? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jamie.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who cooks dinner? Well niether of us really, but I guess I would translate that to both of us.
Who drives when you are together? Usually Jamie.
Who is more stubborn? That one is hard, we are both really stubborn.
Whose parents do you see the most? Definitely Jamie's, he works with his mom.
Who proposed? Jamie, he was in a big christmas present.
Who has more friends? We have a lot of friends together but Jamie is definitely more outgoing.
Who has more siblings? I do.
Who wears the pants in the family? Jamie, mainly because if he didn't no one would. I am not much of a take charge kind of person.
I know Tag.... Heather Seal, http://sealbark.blogspot.com, Jolie Stewart, http://pugdoghouse.blogspot.com, Heidi Rushing, http://rushingreview.blogspot.com, Jenni Stewart, http://stewhearts.blogspot.com
Another tag!:) I will do this tag as soon as I get a chance!
roger and i were going some where on friday night and as the girls were getting into the car, i kept waiting and waiting for him to move the accord out of the driveway so we could pull out and he wasn't doing it. i finally just went and did it and when i got back into the jeep he said he had no idea it was there and would have pulled a jamie. how much does jamie love that story? it's one of my favorites for sure!!!
I cannot believe you have been married almost six years!
Ok, are you tagging me to tell about me or Scottie boy?
This tag thing. I haven't even done Ryder's tag. Right now I am trying to remember how to put in a post. I am not the sharpest cookie with this blog thing.
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