Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

I was trying to get a picture of Sarah in the
chair, but of course as soon as she saw the
camera she had to run towards me to say
cheese! She was so excited for dinner she found
her chair on the floor and was just sitting there waiting
for the rest of us to get ready!
This is Grace with her cousin Emily, they are only
3 weeks apart and love each other so much, it is so
much fun. Emily lives in Logan, or as Grace would
correct me, Hyrum, so they don't get to see each other
as often as they would like but when they do they are so
excited they can hardly control themselves!
Sorry for not posting anything in awhile, but the truth is we really haven't been doing anything so there just hasn't been that much to post! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I DID NOT WORK! This was the first Thanksgiving since I have been married that I have not worked. It was great. We went to Jamie's parents for dinner and then to my parents for dinner. (Yes the double dinner!) Then we had dessert at my mom's. Fun to see all the family and eat all the yummy food.


chelsea said...

Yea for Sarah, in true Pruden fashion, waiting for dinner! Those girls are so cute. You guys are so good to do the double dinner. Did you make pies this year? Roger was wanting to make a pumpkin pie yesterday, but I just don't think I could do it... we gotta come to your house!

us said...

I know how you feel about not having to work. It's great. I think we finally found nursing jobs where we will never have to work holidays. Double dinner is always good too. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.