Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1st day of school!

Today Grace had her first day of pre-school. She was so excited, and I was so excited for her! She has lots of friends in the neighborhood who are in her class so she was excited about that. It is also just across the street, so that is nice for me! Grace of course posed herself for this picture!
I had to yell to Grace to stop running into the school at least long enough to get this picture. Some kids cry and hold onto their mom, not Grace. She was so excited! She has seemed so big to me lately and this just makes her seem that much older! I can't believe it.


lacieinthesky said...

Oh Brit, she's darling and I love the poses!

The Powells said...

jake said school was so fun today...they will love it!! potty training sarah, that sounds fun?!?! how is she doing so far?? good luck!

chelsea said...

she definitely isn't the gracie goo from our memories... she's so big and i love her cute hair. yeah i couldn't even get ashby to say goodbye to me yesterday, she was halfway down the hall already. i guess it's nice that these new experiences don't tramatize them right?

Lyndsie and Daniel said...

I cannot believe Grace is old enough to be in preschool! She is getting so big. She looks so cute.

Grandma Bethany said...

How fun that Gracie is so excited for school. It makes it so much easier for you too that she loves it so. I love the way she always pauses for her pictures and grins her big, cute smile.

The Powells said...

hi...well because my pregnant mind works the way it does i forgot to call you on your bday and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! then i was going to tell you at church today, but you were missing! so, happy late bday..hope it was a good one