Friday, April 3, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

Can it be? My little 5 year old already losing her first tooth? This past monday, while enjoying a delicious dinner at the chuck a rama Grace said to me that she thought one of her teeth were loose. I thought uh probably not but said let me check. Sure enough it was! Yesterday it came out. Grace has been SO excited all week that a fairy was going to visit her. Sure enough the tooth fairy came last night. Grace said that she will pay her tithing with the money and put the rest in her piggy bank for Disneyland. She tells us all the time how she is the only kid in her whole pre k class who has not been there. She is so deprived!
Here is the missing tooth! So cute right?

Just another pick showing off the teeth!


chelsea said...
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chelsea said...

oh my i can't believe she lost a tooth, she's not big enough for that yet is she?

Grandma Bethany said...

Oh what an exciting day for Gracie!
We just got back from being at Will's house and he is missing the same tooth!

The Powells said...

gracie you are so big....

lacieinthesky said...

No, she is definitely not old enough! I can't believe she's already 5!! And you really should take the poor girl to disneyland ;)

Richelle Gutierrez said...

So cute! I remember loosing my teeth late so Laurel will probably take after me,but don't worry about Disneyland, Laurel has never been either and she's perfectly fine! I think after Megan told her that the pricesses there weren't really pricesses,but people in costumes she lost interest!