Friday, April 23, 2010

Could it be? A new post from Brittany?

So I know it has oh so very long since I have posted anything, and that just made it that much harder to start! I feel like I should post about Christmas, and Valentines day and our trip to disneyland, and easter, and Grace's birthday. Oh it just makes me so tired thinking about it! So I probably won't blog about all of those things but I will start with Grace's birthday.

Grace's 6th Birthday!

This was a cake that we picked up from Harmons Bakery. It had fresh strawberries and real whipped cream inside with a diary based frosting. I thought it was pretty good. Jamie loved it. Everytime he had some of the left overs he would say, honestly this cake is just amazing! Amazing or not, Grace liked it.

Grace has many friends, we are so lucky to have so many kids her age in our neighborhood. Grace also has many cousins her age so I had to tell her that we couldn't invite any school friends, just neighborhood kids and cousins. She was a little sad about this, but even with these restrictions I think we had about 20 kids. We had pizza and cake and ice cream, then we went to see The Princess and the Frog at the dollar theater. The kids were so good at the movie, I couldn't believe it! That was the easiest part of the party! Now getting to and from the theater was a little more difficult, but luckily my sister Heather and sister in law Jenni were nice enough to help shuttle the little ones!

This picture is so great because the kids would honestly not give Grace any space while opening her gifts. Jamie and I struggle with this part of the party sometimes, because our kids have so much, sometimes it feels like they don't need anything else! But it is fun to see how much the kids enjoy giving at birthday parties!

Here is a picture of my beautiful 6 year old! She is honestly growing into such a beautiful girl. She has lost her little toddler look and now is looking so grown up! I can't believe it. So here are six things I love about Grace
1. She is determined. This can sometimes be hard, but ultimately this will be a blessing in Grace's life.
2. She is smart. This is just a natural gift that she has been blessed with. She is very curious and already asks me questions almost on a daily basis that I can't answer.
3. She love taking care of her sisters. She truly takes on that big sister role well. She loves getting things they can't reach or teaching them how to something new.
4. Grace has a tender, tender heart. She feels all of her emotions very strong.
5. She is a wonderful artist. Not sure where she picked up this talent, neither Jamie or I are artistic. Grace definitely has a natural eye for drawing.
6. Grace is learning to conquer her fears. Grace can be a very cautious person, I fear she got this from me. But she is learning the joy and satisfaction of feeling fear, and doing it anyway! I am so proud of her and all that she has accomplished at such a young age!


chelsea said...

She is indeed one beautiful six year old. I can hardly believe she's six. we love you gracie goo.

heather said...

I was so surprised to see a new post from you. We went to dinner and not a word about your blog. :) She is such a doll and I love the relationship all of your girls have with each other. They truly care and love each other. I know that seems just like every other sibling relationship but it isn't. It was such a fun birthday party and you and Jamie are amazing with all of those party guests.

Heidi Rushing said...

what a sweet girl! So glad to see you back online again! I have been playing catch up too. Most my posts are from months ago and I am just doing them and then changing the post date so it stays in chrono order online - no one will notice or see them but I need them on there for my blog book at the end of the year! Also, I love that when my kids turn 8 they have to (get to) choose a charity and kids bring donations instead of gifts. It is fun if it is a local charity so the kids can personally take the money in too.

Grandma Bethany said...

I have missed your we just need Jolie and Jenni to do some catching up as well.
Gracie was so cute and appreciative of everyone and everything at her party. It is hard to believe she is 6 years old even though she has acted that old for about the last 3 years!

Lyndsie and Daniel said...

What? You are back? And even more amazing...Grace is already 6? Happy birthday, Grace. She is so dang cute.