Friday, May 22, 2009

preschool graduation

Grace was able to go to preschool at a house just across the street this year. She absolutally loved it. This is a picture of her with her teacher Carol. Carol does such a good job of not only teaching the children, but letting them know they are loved. And grace truly does love Carol. Here is a picture of Grace with her friends Holland, Jake, Megan, and Laurel. Grace is so lucky to have many many children her age that live in her neighborhood. These are a few of them who were able to go to preschool with her.

Grace was really excited for Sarah to come to her graduation, Sarah was too.

Here is Grace singing their good bye song at the end of the program. I wont lie, this was a little bit of a tear jerker!

Here is Abi trying to behave.

Here is Grace doing her part in the program, being a snowflake dancer.

Here is Grace giving her speaking part. She talked about the bakers hats they made, that they learned how to make cookies and doughnuts, and that they had a Thanksgiving feast and even made all the food themselves.

Grace has truly loved going to preschool. I can't believe she will be in Kindergarten next year. She is getting so big! I must admit I had a few tears thinking about this, but I know Grace will love Kindergarten and will do great. I am so happy that she has so many friends that will be there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

7 years

Well 7 years ago Jamie and I got married. A lot has happened in those years. I graduated from college. We bought a house. We have had 3 beautiful girls. We have served in many different capacities for our church. And most importantly we have grown a lot, but grown together. When think back to those early days of our marriage I think, we were just kids! That's because we were. I can't believe how different things can be in just a few years. My mom was nice enough to watch our kids so we could have an evening out. Here are the pretty flowers from Jamie.
Here we are before the evening out. We went to Al Forno's, a wonderful Italian restaurant downtown, then walked around Gateway, got some dessert and then toped the evening off with a trip to Walmart. People who have been married a few years and have multiple children will understand the last part of our evening out. We had stuff we needed and it is so much easier going places without the kids!


This post is way late, so I won't write a ton. Our Easter was fun, the nicest part was having Jamie home almost all day! Here is Sarah, her eyes are actually open!
Here is Jamie and Abi, how sweet right?

Gracie posing it up before the big hunt.

I really tried my best to get a picture before church and this was the best one. Sad, I know but getting Sarah to keep her eyes open is harder than it would seem!