Monday, February 8, 2010

Where is the motivation?

Oh wow I have not felt motivated at all lately to post anything! My life has been busy but boring. I am so ready for spring/summer! Abi has been doing great, no seizures since the ones in November. I am hopeful that she won't have anymore. Grace is loving Kindergarten and Sarah is loving everything, she is so easy going. She loves school, dance, and even primary because these are things that big kids do and she is one! I have been working a lot lately and that is my main excuse as to the no blogging. Hopefully this work schedule wont last too long, but it is nice to have some extra money! Also my camera broke christmas morning, luckily I got a few pictures before it broke. So I will need to get a new one soon, so I'll have some pics to post. Love all of you!